Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Work Gym

I joined the gym at work. It's only $25/year so I really should have done it a long time ago. I'm going today with a lady I work with to check it out and I'm super excited. I have to go shopping this weekend for work out clothes that I can actually wear in public and then I'll probably be starting the couch to 5k program again on Monday.

In other news, Lily got her first bump on her head. I left the house for an hour last Sunday to go to Michaels and I came back and she had a big red mark and a huge bump on her forhead. She fell right in front of the entertainment center and knocked her head on the shelf under the tv. Poor baby. She's getting better and better at walking every day though!

Anyway, Off to check out the gym!


  1. Congrats...the workout center at work is free for employees. I just never use it :( I should though, I've been looking at the ads for urban active, $15 a month. They probably get you w/ a starters fee. I'm just not motivated. Good luck w/ the couch potatoe to 5K

  2. I'm not sure if they're still doing it but Fitworks was also offering $15/month with no contract. I'm not sure if there was a start up fee but if there was, it was small.
